Combining 117 Turbines
Into an Array of Power
Cheap 1 to 1.5 cent per KW Green Power at
269 Megawatts from this coastal array could be feasible in certain
parts of world. This might work in Europe.
• Production of 300 to 350 ton per day of clean Zero Carbon NH3.
• Only available along the coast line and out of line of sight. Like
an oil drilling rig, the coastal power array needs to be out of sight
and out of mind.
• It would take about 800,000 yards of concrete in the footing to
handle the tremendous forces of 150 mph hurricane force winds.
• Green Power, Grand Coulee Dam can produce 6,809 Megwatts at 3.3
cents per KW with 12 million cubic yards of Concrete.
• Will it compete with local built Green Play Ammonia?…Would the array
design fit next to your farm and the Federal Interstate system?
Green Play Ammonia with the new silicon oxide electroylser 12 ton Zero
Carbon NH3 per day with 3 windmills at 3.8 megwatt each per mill.
The Green Play Ammonia Plants are sited in a nested decagon design
which is local within 15 to 30 miles of your crop production farm
across the Great Plains at 1,250 locations by 2032.
Site specific to your needs with local employess and taxes paid in
your county.
We know that wind turbines are used as a
form of alternative energy in some countries. However, the problem
with wind turbines would be the installation and costs involved in
them, but Norway’s Wind Catching Systems thinks that
they might have figured it out with a 1,000 foot array of wind
As you can see in the image above, this 1,000 foot array of wind
turbines is floating on the sea and consists of no less than 117
smaller turbines. According to WCS, they claim that his Windcatcher
grid is capable of generating as much as five times more annual energy
compared to the world’s biggest single turbines, while also being
cheap enough to make it competitive with grid prices.
With the amount of energy it generates, it is estimated that it is
capable of powering 80,000 homes each. The reason why it could be more
affordable is because instead of using massive single components, the
Windcatchers are made out of a combination of smaller components that
are not only easier to work with, but are easier to setup and also
easier to maintain.
WCS says that the Windcatcher system is good for 50 years of service
versus the 30 years or so of a single large turbine.
The company does not mention when we can expect to see prototypes or
where it will be initially installed, but it is an intriguing idea and
could help the adoption of more sustainable forms of energy
This 1,000 Foot Wind Turbine Array Can
Power 80,000 Homes
By Tyler Lee, on 06/08/2021 18:17 PDT
Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder® NFuel Energy.
Spokane, Washington. 99212
509 995 1879 cell, Pacific.