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Three powerhouse options for timely delivery of NH3


NH3 in the nick of time, and around the clock Farmers are resourceful—they like to produce more with less. Exactrix® TAPPKTS formulators have already proven that most applications are made at .5 to .6 of the fertilizer dealer recommendation.

But what happens when more fertilizer is needed, and fast? On-time delivery of NH3 sells the system.

The fact that the NH3 transportation system is on time takes away the leverage of the fertilizer industry to tighten supply when they want to. With local production of NH3, its delivery will be 45 minutes to 1 hour out of the plant, allowing 20 minutes for filling and 45 minutes to 1 hour back. Turnaround from an optimum-scale Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder® NFuel Energy plant will require 2.5 to 3 hours.

Each farm must have 30,000 gallons of storage to allow for DOT transport delivery within 45 minutes to 1 hour. Producers can maintain their own 30,000 gallon storage tanks at the windmill site when within 1 hour of travel time. Producers must own their own tanks at the plant site or at their farm site.

Portable NH3 storage is also available at each optimum-scale Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder® NFuel Energy site. Yielder® NFuel Energy also maintains portable storage, often used for portable asphalt plants at 22,000 gallons.

On-site safety is greatly improved with pressurized NH3 storage and when older nurse tanks are eliminated. Improved safety brings on strong local support, unhampered by the political pressure often associated with the ’60s design NH3 storage found at fertilizer dealers.

NH3 in a pinch, no panic required? The readily available Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder® NFuel Energy will become a model for other countries that want to evolve with NH3 applied directly to the land, reducing worldwide GHG to its lowest levels.

3 powerhouse options for timely delivery of NH3

Delivery snags have met their match with three sizes available of delivery trucks with backup trailers:

  1. Platte Valley, 425 hp, 2,500 gal. NH3 single-axle truck and dual-axle trailer, 1,000 gallons. 60 miles. Short distance 1 hour out and 1 hour back.
  1. Great Northern, 500 hp, 4,500 gal. NH3 dual-axle truck and tri-axle trailer, 2,000 gallons. 120 miles. Long distance 2 hours out and 2 hours back.
  2. Canadian, 650 hp, 8,000 gal. NH3 Tridem axle truck and tri-axle trailer, 6,000 gallons. 10 KM to 250 KM, 24 hours day and night.

Mobility protects value.

Tanks—especially the 30,000 and 60,000 gallon capacities—hold their value as they are easier to move. After 40 years of service, tanks are worth more than the original cost.

Yielder® NFuel Energy also provides portable storage, bringing capacity where needed at 22,000 gallons.




1-So, how will this work?

2-What will be required?

3-What benefits will farmers see?

4-The Details behind the Plan What will change?

5-Who will be involved?

6-How will fertilizer shift?

7-The conversion to
 Green Play Ammonia™

8-The need for serious capital

9-Where will the money go?

10-How will the investment
pay off for those vested in Energy?

11-Three powerhouse options for
 timely delivery of NH3

12-Solving the fossil fuel problem in North American agriculture

13-Think big. Think clean. Think bold.

14-Move over, fossil fuels.

15-Who knew? Now you do. Random facts at your fingertips

16-More facts on fossil fuel

17-What happened to regulation and education?

18. Video Training, The New Era Green Play Ammonia®, Yielder® NFuel Energy.

19. Advanced information you can order.

20. GHG Articles